Sunday, June 30, 2024

Suffering The Children

 This is the way children behave:

"Here's the bottom line," Bannon asserted. "When this is adjudicated and reviewed, if they are certifiable, chain of custody, vote ballots and votes from American citizens, then hey, whatever that outcome is, is totally fair." 
"Until the time that we get that, all bets are off."
There were 60 cases rejected for lack of evidence; and every review of the vote count, including the ludicrous Cyber Ninja effort in Arizona, found no fraud and no evidence of serious misconduct.

Bannon here sets a whole chain of requirements vague enough to mean whatever he wants, so he can insist  on any one means he won’t accept the results. And what if he doesn’t? Who is Steve Bannon, that the country should give a shit what he thinks? Even failed candidate Trump can’t prevail against the national consensus and entire governmental apparatus declaring Trump lost. Trump insists he didn’t lose, but he’s the only one. Who really cares what he thinks, either? 

The nation survived his temper tantrum once. We can insist Trump accept the results (it’s even absurd to have to write this out), but when he doesn’t, who is he? A failed candidate and private citizen who’s a convicted felon with three more felony trials pending. So who cares what he thinks?

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