Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Need To Revive Shame

What black jobs are you talking about, Mr. Trump?" Steele asked. "I mean, you want to make a play to Black folks, you can't even show up at a [Black] barbershop?" 
"You call into a barbershop, and you're going to talk to us about Black jobs? Shut the hell up," he added. " You know, why do we even entertain this crazy from this fool?"
Trump means maids and cooks and groundskeepers and construction laborers. You know, the kinds of jobs blacks are qualified for.

Why this shameless racist is allowed in polite company is a question for us all. Why our loudest voices are concerned with Biden’s raspy voice and not appalled by Trump’s unrestrained racism (did they even notice?) is proof racism is our national hidden wound.

And proof that you cannot, indeed, shame a whore.

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