Thursday, May 27, 2021

About That "Trump Running For POTUS From Prison/A Courtroom"

I'll just leave that right there. Although, while we're on the subject of Trump: And. to be perfectly clear: Four years, as I say, is a long time. A lot can happen.


  1. One suspects there may have been a few tantrums by The Donald on them. And I'm suspecting his tantrums ain't pretty to watch, though a couple of them might have a certain morbid fascination. He must know that and he certainly isn't going to risk his already sinking brand by tempting their release by running for president, again. Or his brats.

  2. it's still difficult to believe that he will be indicted, let alone stand trial. he should be. i wish for him to spend the rest of his existence in solitary in a supermax prison. a fine ending for a malignant narcissist. no audience at all
