Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Life Among The Mini-Trumps

As the kids say, we have the receipts. What if they gave a revolution and only rich privileged white people came?  Even in Arizona:

Ben Cotton, the founder of CyFIR, one of the companies involved in the Arizona Senate’s audit, said in the closed hearing held by Senate Republicans on Tuesday that the county’s explanation was right. 

“All of this, however, may be a moot point because subsequently I’ve been able to recover all of the deleted files and I have access to that data,” Cotton said. 

Cotton did not directly acknowledge that auditors had erred and that characterizing the files as having been deleted was false. But his explanation made clear that the database had never been deleted. 

One of Trump’s credos is “Never apologize, never explain.”   It doesn’t work for him, either; but then he’s never been a witness in a Senate hearing.

By the way, how are things going in the House GOP?

Doesn't seem likely it's gonna die in the Senate, either.  Is McConnell really going to have any more success with a subtler version of McCarthy’s objections?  I don’t think the optics are in his favor, any more than they were for McCarthy.
Tell me again how Trump is running the GOP and ending democracy. The incentives to kill this commission are obvious. The ability to do it: not so much. McConnell’s argument is, the prosecutions will do the investigation work.
Not sure they'll bring information like this out, though.

I think we the people deserve to know, deeply and comprehensively, what happened in our Capitol.  We don’t need to get it piecemeal from 500 trials or plea deals.  We need it in on report conducted by one commission.  The GOP trying to bottle this and throw away the bottle really isn’t going to work out well for them.  That’s Trump’s control of the party.  May it serve them well.

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