Friday, May 28, 2021

Well, Unless Democrats Are For It...


  1. Let's see if Democrats in the Congress and the Biden administration make the right use of this demonstration of Republican obstruction, now. I strongly suspect that they will use it to pressure Manchin and that dim bulb from Arizona on the filibuster and, also, as an issue for the 2022 campaign. I know Obama would have felt above something like that but I think there are plenty of Democrats in leadership who are ready to weaponize it. I think Schumer is as impatient as Biden to get something done and if there is someone in DC who has demonstrated they are, it's Nancy Pelosi who has been bringing hundreds of bills through the House that have died in the goddamned Senate.

    I hope that the fear I'm feeling is a hold-over from the Obama-Reid years (both of them) but that the ones there now will not be suckered into fulfilling.

  2. Three mythologies in D.C. I can do without: 1) Harry Reid used to box, so he’s a “fighter.” 2) McConnell is a Senate rules “genius”; and 3) if it ain’t bi-partisan, it ain’t shit.
