Saturday, November 09, 2019

American Ahistoricism alive and well.

I wanted to be charitable and say Ms. Crowley was too young to remember a divided Berlin; but she was 21 in 1989. I was 21 in 1976 when I visited Munich, the capital of West Germany. Berlin was not on our itinerary, in part because of that wall. A wall put up by the USSR, which Putin remembers so fondly.

What is it about Russia, then and now, that Trump admires so deeply, an admiration his staff (Cowley is Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs for the Treasury Dept.) know to slavishly reflect?

And why are so few people asking this question?

1 comment:

  1. The Soviet Union was a gangster government run by people who owned everything and everyone, just as Putin is reestablishing, with a cast of his fellow former Communists. Trump is a gangster, gangsters prefer dictatorship (rule by gangsters) to democracy because it's more profitable for them to have to make deals with their fellow gangsters at the expense of The People. The Republican Party of the US is a pack of gangsters. The fall of official Communism was all they needed to do business with the gangster dictators, it didn't even take that in China. Doing business with dictators is always doing business with Hitler.
