Monday, November 04, 2019

If Wishes Were Horses

1) Political campaigns influence voters, else we would have abandoned the nonsense long ago.

2) Indeed, they are so influential the next Presidential campaign starts the day after the election for the last Presidential campaign.

3) And yet the fiction remains that they matter not a bean, only polls matter.

4) No one has a crystal ball that predicts the future. Who had Trump even on their Victory Bingo card at this point in 2015?  Who really expected him to win in November, 2016?  Even Trump didn't.

5) None of the above is proof of anything except that predicting the future one year from now (almost exactly!) is a mug's game.


7) "Should," "could," and "might" (synonym for "maybe," not for Trump's "sword") have no real power or authority, and merely underline the uncertainty of the future.  Again, who knew Trump would win 4 years ago?  And despite the noise on political Twitter, large swathes of the country aren't paying attention to Trump or impeachment or election campaigns which haven't begun yet.

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