Monday, November 04, 2019

"Why Doth the Heathen Rage?"

He really doesn't understand that he doesn't speak for himself, but for the nation.

I'm reminded of a scene from "Elizabeth" where she takes the throne upon the death of Henry VIII and then her sister (am I remembering history correctly?  Anyway, she's surprised to be crowned Queen) and the first morning after her coronation the Lord Chamberlain (? Richard Attenborough, anyway!) comes to her chambers and demands to see the royal bedsheets.  He's looking for signs of fluids, blood, etc., because the royal personage now belongs to the state, because Elizabeth now embodies the state.

Trump's position is not much different from that.  In 3 years, he hasn't come close to understanding that.
And confirmed everything the whistleblower reported with that "transcript" (actually a memorandum of record).  As the Psalmist asked:  Why doth the heathen rage?
Except the memorandum you released says it did happen.  So have your public statements, your lawyers public statements, your Chief of Staff's public statements; just to name three.  Then there are all the witnesses; but you don't need them, do you?
If you would release it, we'd be happy to.  I understand it's on a classified server, though.

And if the rest of you think we're going in circles, it's because we are:

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