Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Government? What’s That?

I started this last night.  Events, as ever, have been catching up to my thesis:
This was my thesis: The GOP is not concerned with the national interest nor with governance. Their only concern is to have power. And about half the country is either okay with that, or blissfully unaware of it. Or just doesn’t care. But, at some point, where does the power come from? It doesn’t come from being in office. It comes from that office meaning something, from The People giving it power. Destroy that trust, and where is the power? To destroy  the thing that gives you power, or destroy trust in it, is Iago’s dilemma. If he succeeds, everyone learns to trust no one, and then what power does Iago have? He doesn’t care about that, but then the government he knows doesn’t depend on the wisdom of the people. His lies could hurt people; these lies could undermine the very authority the GOP wants to wield.

I always said Newt Gingrich was a stupid son of a bitch.


  1. I sense an inconsistency. 1. I lost because the voting process is broken and corrupted by the Democrats with tens of thousands of fake ballots. 2. You must rally to vote in the Georgia run-off election.

    Trump discouraged absentee voting in the general election. How many Republicans didn't trust it but never made it to the polls on election day? How many will be discouraged that the election is rigged and won't show up for the run-off? Given the brilliance of these campaign strategies maybe we are better off that he has stopped governing.

    1. The way to fire up Trump's base to GOTV in January is to tell them the process is rigged against them and corrupt and not to be trusted and the Democrats stole Georgia!

      What's wrong with that argument?

