Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Well, the “Blue Wave” Didn’t Happen

Maybe a consequence of spending too much time on the intertoobs, where clearly most of America isn’t.

But Trump can’t call it at 10:30 pm CST. So that’s something.

OTOH, as David Brooks just said, this is not a repudiation of Trump. Or of white supremacy.

Shit. I may have to retire to Canada.

I’m old enough to remember when LBJ trounced Goldwater in a landslide of almost Biblical proportions. I think I still expect this country to be that country; but I think that’s when that country began turning into this country.  Getting old sucks.

Then again, maybe “that country” was the aberration, this is the norm. A significant portion of us clearly still think slavery wasn’t that bad a concept and what a politician says matters a lot more than what he does.


1 comment:

  1. We got here through media told lie after media told lie. With the media enabled to lie by the First Amendment as hastily written in the first Congress and as deified by our secular religion.
