Tuesday, August 24, 2021


1 comment:

  1. Our follow on school board meeting was last night. I learned that taking vitamin D, and zinc, lots of love for zinc, will prevent Covid. Also one mom didn't think the schools should close no matter how bad the pandemic, and a dad was worried that we can't tell if children are being abused if they wear masks. There was also a very passionate recitation of Live Free or Die and it's link to individual liberty. Overall the whole event was much more civil than the last couple of meetings. There was a serious backlash on social media over the behaviour at the earlier meetings and the anti-mask crowd I think realized it was self defeating. The pro protections and taking the pandemic serious folks came out in force and spoke thoughtfully about protecting our children. Several teachers also shared that while they don't love masks they can make them work to protect everyone. We all had a chance to speak, no one was shouted down. A middle school student spoke against masks because she thought it would be hard to meet people while wearing a mask. Everyone gave her polite applause for being brave enough to speak. The board members followed with a rigorous discussion. It looked like the process we learned about in civics class.

    Two helpful examples presented stood out against the argument that "they are our kids and we decide if they wear a mask" parents. If you don't wear your seatbelt, that mostly effects you. If you smoke, the second hand smoke effects others and we ban that indoors. The second was the schools have peanut free classrooms and cafeteria areas. Your kid may eat PB&J's everyday at home, but we don't allow them to have them in school. Mask wearing effects others so it is more than just a parental decision.

    The vote was 4 to 1 in favor of requiring masks. The lone dissent gave a passionate defense of letting parents decide, but then admitted his wife was going to have his children wearing masks to school no matter what the vote. The board also felt supported by the parents. Over 75% of parents responded to a survey (an amazing number given they posted it Friday and closed it Sunday night). 57% were in favor of masks now, 82% were in favor of masks if conditions get worse.

    One board member put it best. The chances of a child getting hospitalized or dieing are statistically low, but how you then tell a parent that you ignored the advice of the school nurses, local doctors, CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics to have masks and didn't do everything you could to keep their child safe. The governor isn't doing a damn thing to keep our children safe, but the elected people at the lowest rung understand.
