Sunday, August 29, 2021

Pastoral Care Is Not The Province Of Governors

It's not exactly a separation of church-state argument, but pastoral care is neither the duty nor the province of state officials.

"I'm often asked by some of my friends on the other side of the aisle about COVID … and why does it seem like folks in Mississippi and maybe in the Mid-South are a little less scared, shall we say," Reeves said at a fundraiser, the Daily Memphian reported.

"When you believe in eternal life — when you believe that living on this earth is but a blip on the screen, then you don't have to be so scared of things," he said, adding: "Now, God also tells us to take necessary precautions."

The Governor offers that insight in the context of a fundraiser.  It's good he didn't offer it to a grieving mother asking why God had to take her infant child.  If he had answered that "living on this earth is but a blip on the screen" and so "you don't have to be so scared of things," she'd have slapped the shit out of him.

Believe me.

Which is to say:  Yes, he's full of it. What he said is not even good theology; it's certainly terrible pastoral care.  It underscores the observation of the question "My death; is it possible?"  Obviously he doesn't think it is.  Eventually he'll learn otherwise; but his "teachings" won't protect him from the knowledge, and the knowledge won't erase the harm of his "teachings."

Not even if he got the shit slapped out of him for them.


  1. By that logic people getting away with murder shouldn't trouble him, either.
    He looks remarkably like that "Red Mass" organizing Federalist-fascist Society, Trump-McConnell appointed judge whose ruling telling the Biden administration they had to reinstate a Trump policy that wasn't in law back into effect - so as to inflict unneeded suffering on people qualified to enter the United States -last week. I cannot help but hate all involved but hold a special place in my hatred for the ones who do so with the ersatz aroma of sanctity about them.

  2. Yeah, I wonder how he feels about DUI's and school shootings. Shit happens?

    Not exactly a gold standard for governance, is it?
