Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Vietnam? Why Would You Compare Afghanistan To Vietnam?

No plan survives its encounter with reality. I feel like that's a lesson from Vietnam.
"When we left Vietnam in 1975, you could argue that every member, every citizen of South Vietnam worked for the Americans during that war and we took a few thousand people out," Stengel continued. "We left while we were being fired upon by the enemy. You know, the country was taken over. So, those are disastrous withdrawals. I just wanted to put that in perspective. I'm not exonerating or explaining away what happened, but that's just some historical perspective."
I don't think the xenophobia was quite so bad in '75, but there was a lot of resentment of Vietnamese shrimpers on the Gulf Coast for awhile.  Now they're part of the industry.  Besides, Viet-Cajun crawdads are a thing! And it's funnier sooner.

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