Saturday, February 25, 2023

TDS Is Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Lawyer up, Sluggo.
The judge who oversaw a special grand jury investigating efforts by former President Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia says he instructed jurors they were prevented from discussing deliberations but did not face restrictions in talking about the panel's final report. 
"The contents of the report are not deliberations," Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney told CNN. 
McBurney also said that the special grand jury, which has faced criticism from Trump and his legal team, did its job consistent with the rules governing special grand juries in the state.

And maybe get some lawyers who know the laws of Georgia, and who try cases in court, not in the headlines. 

And honestly, nobody gives a shit for your fanciful legal opinions. Trot those out in court yourself and see where they get you. Even your lawyers have refused to do that. They know better.

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