Sunday, May 21, 2023

“…And I Feel Fine “

I keep thinking that, if Biden gave into every demand the Freedom Caucus came up with, including appearing in public dressed as Bozo the clown while singing the “Whiffenpoof song,” how would any of their demands get through the Senate? Would the caucus insist all 100 U.S. Senators sign a blood oath to approve their every demand and pass it into law?

Because without that, it seems to me Biden could “give away the store” to prevent a default, and then veto whatever cuts they pushed through Congress (if they could push them through Congress, which they can’t). What does the House do? Refuse to raise the debt ceiling if their demands aren’t met first? Too late for that. Raise the ceiling for 3 months, 6 months, to force passage? Same answer. Why should anybody punt this 6 months down the legislative road? The Freedom Caucus can demand, but we don’t have a unicameral legislature with no executive oversight.

It’s worth noting even Chuck “Look out, she’s gonna blow!” Todd thinks this is all political theater.

If the GOP House got Biden to accept all their demands, they’d be the dog who caught the car. They wouldn’t know what to do with it, or even be able to do anything with it.

I mean, even Josh Hawley thinks Biden should use the 14th Amendment. There aren’t enough Senate GOP votes to give the House what they keep demanding. And there certainly isn’t a majority that wants to bring the country’s house down on their heads.

These people really are incompetent and unfit to be in government.

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