Saturday, May 20, 2023

Legal Strategery

Trump really thought announcing his candidacy would be a “King’s ‘X’”  and protect him not just from criminal prosecution but from investigation:
TRUMP Hating Special Prosecutor Jack Smith, whose family and friends are Big Time Haters also, will be working overtime on this treasonous quest. They are scoundrels and cheats. THIS IS ALL ABOUT ELECTION INTERFERENCE.

Not a legal defense. Not even a very good court of public opinion defense. 

Yes, the DOJ guidelines reportedly counselagainst starting an investigation related to a candidate close to the election (a guideline Comey pretty much ignored to announce Hillary Clinton did something but the FBI couldn’t charge it, in 2016). But these investigations were started before Trump announced, and the 2024 election is still 18 months away.

Yes, we do act like the next election begins the day after the last one ends, but if the DOJ was held to that standard, political corruption would run rampant. Which it did for at least four years anyway.

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