Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Elon Musk Is A Troll IRL

He's 52 years old (near enough for dammit) and, like a junior high student just discovering "girls," thinks this is how you flirt with them.

Of he's just a jackass.  Either one works.

By the way: Elmo, however, remains a genius.

ADDING: and no, Musk didn't buy Twitter for some strategic reason, nor is he using it as part of a grand scheme to communicate racism and conspiracy theories (although that is how he's using it, it's just not a diabolical plan).  Musk bought Twitter because he thought it'd be cute (or fun; or he was drunk; or he is that stupid.  I think any one of those is valid.)  to make an offer on it, but in his mind he had his fingers crossed.

Except the board of Twitter and the chancery court in Delaware didn't see it that way.

Musk didn't have a three-dimensional chess plan for Twitter.  He blurted out an offer that he later tried to label "just kidding!" Except if I'd offered to buy Twitter for a gazillion dollars, Twitter wouldn't have noticed, much less tried to hold me to it.  Musk, OTOH, was at the time The Richest Man In The World.  When he tried to back out of the check his mouth had written that his ass couldn't cash, that title was his undoing.  (The irony here being when  George Soros' investment fund dumped their Tesla stock, and Musk got all pissed off and revealed his anti-semitism for all to see.  And Soros was perfectly within his rights to sell Tesla stock, just as Twitter was within its rights to call Musk on his offer.  Only Musk thinks the rules don't apply to him.)  There was no clever plan for world domination.  It was just the act of a rich fool finding out his mouth really could write checks his ass couldn't cash (sorry; I liked that metaphor so much I had to use it twice!).

Stop looking for explanations that are more complicated than the facts in the public record.  That's how conspiracy theories are born.

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