Monday, May 22, 2023

Mirror, Mirror

Blaming one member of a group for the argued failings or ills of the entire group is a form of bigotry, i.e., using the example of one arrested black man to tar all black men as criminals.

Except, you know, when it isn't.

So Israel doesn't have a Netanyahu problem (he's the leader of the country), or a political problem (their political system seems more broken than ours, to an outsider with no insight into their politics); it has a George Soros problem.  But that's not a bigoted statement if Jews are saying it.

Or something.

Besides, Elmo is a genius:
There's a rich thread over there of Elmo quotes which Elmo approves of in reply tweets. As one commentator says in reply, he's the sommelier of his own farts. He's also the wisest man alive, because only he is wise enough to know how wise he is, and to recognize his wisdom by replying to it approvingly on Twitter. Although I defy anyone to explain what the "total biological compute" is and identify it as a usable metric for...well, anything. I've read the definition of a meter, which refers now to a wavelength of light from a specific emitter under specific conditions, and measured in angstroms (IIRC; it's been awhile). It's a very complex and precise effort in engineering vocabulary to define a specific length very specifically. I'd love for Elmo to do the same with "total biological compute." And then explain what "ratio" is, in mathematical, not Twitter jargon, terms.

He could also explain what "entropy" is, without using pop sci terms to do it.  I doubt he can.

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