Tuesday, May 23, 2023

If You Follow The Bouncing Ball...

This starts with Ted Cruz criticizing the NAACP for issuing a "travel advisory" against Florida for DeSantis' recent actions as governor, and the legislation he's pushed through into law.  The response by Kevin Kruse is correct; but that's not the one Cruz has to respond it, as it turns out.

Now, frankly, Norm Ornstein walks up and punches that tar baby; predictable results ensue:
Ornstein changed the subject, and Cruz gladly ran with it. Now we're talking about the Civil Rights Act, and ignoring that it was the work of first JFK, and then LBJ getting it passed virtually at the funeral of JFK. (And not even noticing that Cruz votes like the southern Democrats of 60 years ago). Which is a nice ad hominem, if you're into that sort of thing, but not really advancing the argument, is it? No argument with that, but...is this an argument anymore? Which is really just a variation on then Sen. Al Franken's (and aren't we still glad we purged that guy from the Senate! It's SO much better now! Right, ladies?) observation that nobody in the Senate liked Ted Cruz, including Al Franken.

This "argument" brings me around to this observation, which I caught last night but could never turn into a blog post, until now:
Probably because most “arguments” on the internet rest on either appeals to authority (“facts” are only “facts” when their interpretation is pre-determined by common narrative. You know, like in journalism.) or appeals to ignorance (two conditions that often appear alike).

It’s not a considered set of reasoning establishing a proposition. It’s just the automatic gain saying of what is put forward. Pretty much on the level of: “DID NOT!” “DID TOO!”

So, yeah, the playground. What hath got wrought is technology bringing us all closer and closer to the playground.  Given the above, what else do you call it?

I wonder if the total biological compute is a useful metric here?

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