Monday, February 26, 2024

Merde 💩

 “Having argued to the jury that President Trump has great financial resources, Plaintiff is in no position to contradict herself now and contend that she requires the protection of a bond during the brief period while post-trial motions are pending,” Trump wrote in an application for his stay. “This fact nullifies risk to the judgment creditor and weighs heavily in favor of an unsecured stay.”

Nice try.

I found a case while Googling (i.e., not real research) the topic of excessive punitive damages (IIRC).  It involved a major corporation hit with a HUGE judgment claim.  The upshot was, the Major Corp spent 30 days trying to come up with the money for the bond, and couldn't do it.  IIRC, the plaintiff was another major corporation, so there was no lack of resources on either side of this fight.

Anyway, they had to settle, because they couldn't stay enforcement of the judgment.

With, or without, remembering that case correctly (and that the information I read was anywhere near accurate), Trump's argument here has a snowball's chance in Texas.  In July.

He can't raise the money for either judgment for a bond. He's scared shitless. 💩

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