Friday, June 14, 2024

🎂 78 Candles

Donald fell asleep – a lot 
Donald went bankrupt 
Then went bankrupt again 
Then went bankrupt again 
Then went bankrupt again 
Then went bankrupt again 
Then went bankrupt again 
Donald failed as a casino owner 
Donald failed as an airline, university and hotel owner. Donald failed at creating a board game and a magazine. Donald launched his political career on the racist lie Barack Obama wasn’t born in America 
[But he’s not a racist!]
Donald called for the death penalty – and still won’t apologize after their exoneration – for 5 innocent Black and Latino teenagers 
Donald was accused of saying the N-word 
Donald was sued by the Justice Department for racial discrimination [But he’s not a racist!]
Donald became the first Presidential candidate to say there’d be a “bloodbath” if he lost
 Donald failed to lead our country during COVID and suggested Americans inject themselves with bleach
 Donald said there were “very fine people” among the crowd of white nationalists and neo-Nazis who chanted “Jews will not replace us” in Charlottesville [But he’s not a racist!]
Donald dreamed of a “unified Reich” if he was to win in November 
Donald called veterans who gave their lives for our country “suckers” and “losers”
 Donald downplayed servicemembers’ concussions as “headaches”
 Donald floated the idea of executing the Joint Chiefs Chairman 
Donald was impeached in 2019 
Donald was impeached again in 2021 
Donald was found liable for sexual abuse 
Donald was accused by 26 women of sexual misconduct 
Donald bragged about his building on 9/11 
Donald lied over 30,570 times as president to the American people 
Donald cheated at golf 
Donald’s “Trump Org.” was convicted for failing to pay its taxes 
Donald gave a tax handout to the rich and corporations that failed to deliver for Americans 
Donald suggested windmills caused cancer 
Donald failed as a steak, water, and vodka salesman. Donald’s media company lost $300 million in just one quarter 
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare again 
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare again 
Donald proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare again 
Donald tried and failed to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But he wants to try again 
Donald had his former vice president refuse to endorse him 
Donald bragged on camera about grabbing women Donald celebrated overturning Roe v. Wade
 (This one is special #42) Donald is 0-42 with jurors in recent cases – more on that later 
Donald endorsed every state abortion ban in America as “a beautiful thing to watch” 
Donald said there had to be “some form of punishment” for women who have abortions 
Donald had the worst jobs record of any president in modern US history 
Donald lost the House and Senate 
Donald lost the 2020 presidential election to Joe Biden by more than 7 million votes 
Donald lost 61 court cases after his election loss Donald “lit that fire” of the Capitol insurrection on Jan. 6 
Donald has promised to pardon the violent rioters who attacked law enforcement on Jan. 6 who he called “hostages” and “warriors” 
Donald was the first presidential candidate to ask a state’s Secretary of State to “find” him 11,780 votes Donald posted a $175 million bond in his fraud judgment 
Donald oversaw the largest single-year increase in violent crime ever recorded 
Donald was sued by U.S. Capitol Police Officers 
Then he was sued by another group of U.S. Capitol Police Officers 
Then another 
Then another 
Donald had an ally who was sentenced to prison
 Then another 
Then another 
Then another 
Then another 
Then another 
Then another 
Then another 
And four more were charged with crimes 
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 1 time 
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 2 times 
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 3 times 
Donald Trump was the first former U.S. President to be indicted 4 times 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of a felony 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 2 felonies 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 3 felonies 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 4 felonies 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 5 felonies 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 6 felonies 
Donald became the first former U.S. President convicted of 7 felonies 
Donald said he would “Make America Great” – he did not

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