Tuesday, June 11, 2024

“Those Who Are Not With Me, Are Ideological And Against Me”

In the audio, recorded June 3 at an event hosted by the Supreme Court Historical Society, the questioner asks the justice why he feels the nation's highest court has been "attacked" and "targeted by the media" in recent years. 
Alito replied: “They don’t like our decisions, and they don’t like how they anticipate we may decide some cases that are coming up. That’s the beginning of the end of it,” he said. 
The justice added:" “There are groups that are very well-funded by ideological groups that have spearheaded these attacks. That’s what it is.” 
When asked to explain further, Alito said, "ProPublica gets a lot of money, and they have spent a fortune investigating Clarence Thomas, for example. You know, everything he’s ever done in his entire life.” 
"They look for any little thing they can find, and they try to make something out of it," he said.
“They look for any little thing they can find, and they try to make something out of it.”

A fair description of what judges do. Well, according to ideologues.
Damned calculating ideologues. Bleeding ideologues.

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