Saturday, June 08, 2024

We Get Comments

Unfortunately, I can't read what Gretta Van Smartypants said because neither my browsers is supported. I'm guessing she got hoaxed. You'd think a lawyer as old as she is would know how to avoid being hoaxed online but they seem to be as naive about that stuff as I was around 2002. Did anyone make out as big as she did from the OJ case? I avoided that circus as much as I could and even I found out who she was.

 Merchan’s letter:

“Today the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System's public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention. In the comment, the user, "Michael Anderson," states:

"My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!"
“The comment, now labeled as one week old, responded to a routine UCS notice, posted on May 29, 2024, regarding oral arguments in the Fourth Department of the Appellate Division unrelated to this proceeding. 'I'he posting, entitled "The Appellate Division, Fourth Department, will hear oral arguments this morning at 10." and the comment are both viewable at [ ].”

I would just note that letter leaves any response to the parties. The justice doesn’t offer any comment or set a hearing.  He leaves that to the parties, if they think they can offer anything. That’s the linchpin here: Where’s the evidence? Does either party want to touch this?

But a lot of people jumped to the conclusion this really meant something. Which, now we know, it didn’t. That’s one factor in the scandal-that-wasn’t. The other is the absolute stupidity, which seemed apparent before. Now, it’s even more so.

Merchan notifies the parties because it was on the court system Facebook page. That’s all this letter does. Jumping from that to exoneration is just really ridiculous.  I know I’m supposed to be afraid of these people, or wringing my hands in despair, or worrying about mob violence…but this is a fucking clown show.

If any narrative needs to be told, it’s that one. These people, from Trump down (including Haley and Romney and any other GOP politician who won’t admit Trump is fit only for a prison cell, or at least an ankle bracelet), are not to be treated as serious people; or even adults.

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