Saturday, November 02, 2019

Stumbling Into Other People's Conversations

True, attempted murder doesn't carry the death penalty that capital murder does. And true, this is a dumb answer; that is, Hume's answer is dumb.

Failed crimes do cost holders of positions of trust and authority their positions. Impeachment, after all, is not a criminal matter, nor is it civil.  It exists in a realm of its own, apart from any judicial system. And its basis us thayvthe office holder has abused the power of the office, through bribery, treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Conspiracy to commit a crime is a felony at criminal law, and felony by definition is a "high crime."

Rather like a mandated punishment for any crime, the only punishment possible for an impeachable offense is removal from office.  Because the finding of the offense means removal from office is mandated.


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