Tuesday, November 05, 2019

The Secret of Our Success

What do you do with information like this?

For one thing, get back to me after Super Tuesday. It still two months to Iowa, ya know.  Things change.  It's why we have primaries, instead of the last poll standing.

For another, what are the alternatives?  Biden is Hillary as a national candidate.  She had her baggage, he has his.  Joe may be a real avuncular guy and have name recognition out the wazoo.  People may still be trying to figure out how to pronounce Buttigieg's name (much less spell it), and still confuse Elizabeth Warren with Kate McKinnon, but when Joe's campaign leaves the pre-primary debate stage and enters the voting booth, he'll crash and burn.  You know he will.  He's Joe Biden.  He no more deserves the nomination because Obama than Hillary did because Bill.  Joe has crashed and burned at this before; why is now his "time"?

Besides, is Florida gonna be more comfortable electing a gay man to the Oval Office?  Or a woman not Elizabeth Warren?  Or an Asian guy who keeps buying his way onto the debate stage as surely as Tom Streyer does?  I mean, the whole premise here is Florida, man.  Right?

I agree the Dems can't lose California, but do they have to bend the rules of space-time to get a candidate who will win in Florida?  If that's the calculus, we're already calculating another Hillary-bot candidate.

Every four years the candidate field either looks bleak and apocalyptic, or the candidate is a lock and might as well start picking colors for the Oval.  Trump won four years ago because of low turnout.  The key to Democratic victory is to not let that happen again.

There is no other key than that.

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