Tuesday, October 13, 2020

I Guess, Except....

A) We don't get to vote on them, not really even indirectly (Senators are elected every 6 years, and who they voted onto the Bench is never a campaign issue), and

B) You think people are really paying attention to this, or could even tell you how many Justices sit on the Supreme Court (9) or for how long (life), or what "judicial philosophy" is? (Barrett doesn't have one, it's a pretend philosophy.  But it's nicer to call it a philosophy than what it is:  "I know what I like, and what I like is what the 'plain language' of the Constitution and the statutes mean.")

I mean, what did we do in the days before mass communication?  Or when Senators were appointed by Governors?  Even if the public despises a nominee's philosophy, will that change anything?

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