Thursday, July 29, 2021

They're Under The Bed!

Wait'll he finds out about the quarantine laws, which were mostly obviated by: vaccines! 

Aside from the fact we regularly require vaccinations for public school and college students (and private instituions require them, too). The military vaccinates against all kinds of diseases. Foreign travelers usually have to be vaccinated. Honestly, this whole business of "You can't make me take it!" is just bullshit. No, we can't quarantine you because you won't take it (although given the state of the country right now, maybe we should), but we can disallow you from your place of employment or many businesses otherwise open to the public if you pose a significant public health risk.

And we were doing that in America before Marx ever put pen to paper.

(And I stand by my conviction that "Communist" is a scare word the GOP uses to incite the elderly like your humble host.  I am one of the youngest around to still remember when "Commies" was the ultimate scare word, because I came along at the tail end of the Red Scare and still remember the House UnAmerican Activities Committee.  When MTG or any Republican uses the word now, they aren't dog whistling my daughter's generation.  The GOP's weird determination to chase the dead for votes will fuel many a PoliSci dissertation for years to come.)

1 comment:

  1. Very timely for me. My 27 year old niece told me last week that she was in a meeting of largely her age cohort discussing a new person in the hierarchy of the company she works for, his last name was "Marcks" and one of the people in the meeting said, That name sounds familiar. As these people in their 20s and 30s were puzzling over where they'd heard it before she suggested Karl Marx and while some of them had heard of Karl Marx she is the only one who knew he had any association with communism as the writer of the Communist Manifesto. None of them knew it, many if not most of them had graduated from accredited colleges. Communism is about as relevant to anything as buggy whips to electric vehicles.

    I often wondered what would happen to the relevance of those many "Sovietologists" who used to appear on PBS news shows when the Soviet Union broke up, though I don't think I cared enough to keep up with them.
