Tuesday, August 03, 2021

A Tale Of Two Legal Processes

Trump is taking this position because he doesn't have any possible avenue of complaint aside from using some of the millions he's raised to fund an actual lawsuit. As everyone knows, the only lawsuit he's started so far is a disguised fund-raising venture. Lawsuits cost money. Trump is keenly aware of that.

By the way, the "immediately try to block them" language there is persiflage.  Once a privilege is waived, it's gone.  Trump may try to argue he's asserting the privilege anew, but again, that would require a lawsuit.  I don't see him spending the money and, if he did, he'd lose.  His "star power" is already fading (a cow pasture?  In Alabama?  Really?).  His fundraising power will soon follow.  No one is more keenly aware of that than Trump.
This case is already in court. The DOJ memo must makes clear the position of the government as to the release of Trump's taxes by the Treasury Department. As I understand it, it's not really a difficult legal question: the Treasury must give the returns to the committee requesting them. Trump is fighting that tooth and nail because, again, it involves his money. There is a hearing on this issue scheduled for Wednesday. Trump is fighting this because he has a deeply vested interest in it, even as he has no more hope if prevailing than he would in trying to block testimony of his former staff.

Trump is out of office.  The walls are closing in.  The coffers must be protected against loss at all costs.  Besides, Trump is going to need the money for all that criminal defense work.  Those guys know better than to work for anybody without the money already in hand.

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