Tuesday, August 03, 2021

When Do We Decide This Is About The Public's Health?

My favorite part of that is that we don't have smallpox today because of vaccinations.  I got one as a child; my daughter didn't have to.

Should we declare retroactive "freedumb!" and release the smallpox contained in government refrigerators?  Again, we forcibly vaccinate children (do they have a choice if the parents agree to it?), and fortunately many of those vaccines (especially polio) are good for life.  If you're stupid enough not to want a booster for measles, mumps, rubella, etc., at least most of us aren't, and herd immunity helps a lot.  But we can't require (okay, force) you to get a covid vaccine because:  adulthood?  But we can require you to wear a seatbelt, not smoke in public places, dress appropriately, etc.?

When did "freedom" become a suicide pact? 

I really don't understand this.

Why are people so judgmental about people who don't give a shit about public health or the health of others? Besides, we tried it your way! Now everybody needs to get sick!

It’s a death cult.  That’s all it is, it’s a death cult.  And if DeSantis doesn’t want to be in charge, if he doesn’t want to do what government officials are supposed to do, he needs to resign and sit on the sidelines and piss and moan.
That goes for much of Congress, too.  I’ve had it with this “Government can’t do jack shit” stuff.  It goes back at least to Gingrich.  It’s the metastasized, cancerous version of “Government shouldn’t help people, only business.”  Now government shouldn’t help anybody, except occasionally hand out money. Government can do a hellvua lot more than that.