Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Yes, But....

Pardon me while I repeat myself: We have these people on our side. This is what the other side's money is buying: Judge, jury, executioner and warden!*  And we don' need no steenken' badges! Or grounds for criminal charges! Just arrest 'em! People from Dominion, too!  Hang 'em all!  What's the point of being in state government if you can't punish who you want to? Sure, why not?  We don' even need no steenken' Constitution!

Article III, Section 3, Clause 1:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

So, basically, we're dealing with the same clown car occupants who brought 60 failed cases before the courts in November and December of last year, some of which now face judicial punishments for their actions, none of which were successful (Giuliani failed so badly Trump refused to pay him for his futile efforts), the Ninja clowns are facing DOJ scrutiny (and other states have been warned by DOJ not to try the same thing) and all of this is going to enable "further legislation"? 

Even the rabid GOP in Texas backed off after their efforts were exposed.  They didn't back off far enough, but sunshine once again proves to be the best disinfectant.  And laws that are written can be unwritten.  The support for this legislative mayhem is paper thin and shredding as time goes by.

*No, for those who need it spelled out, the judicial response to refusal to comply with a legislative subpoena (even in Arizona the Senate will have to go to the courts for enforcement) is not capital punishment, swift and sure arrest, and incarceration in the deepest black hole Arizona prisons provide. And how the hell do the executives of Dominion become criminally liable for the actions of the elected officials of Maricopa County? This is more never-never land fantasy from a woman proving herself unfit to hold public of street sweeper, much less the role of a state Senator. 

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