Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Just Remember: Biden Is Soft On China, Trump Was Not

And since Biden's Administration keeps bringing up comparisons to FDR's: It wouldn't be so bad. You know, the bulk of America is not on Twitter, nor on social media that much. That difference is about to become obvious: A tiny percentage of Americans have even heard of the "Twitter Files."  An even tinier percentage gives a wet snap about them.  The more the GOP House hammers on "HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP!," the more America is gonna say: "What the hell?" You know, sort of like this is not going to win friends and (positively, anyway) influence too many people: Yeah, I know Republicans want to scream about "UKRAINE!", too. It's their new Benghazi. Still, Benghazi involved individuals Americans could care about (and should have cared about, don't misunderstand me). So does Ukraine: Ukraine wins.

And on an unrelated note, but it's something else I'll just keep saying over and over again:  Abortion is a medical procedure, and should be treated as such under the law:
Questions of "the mother's health" or the "health of the fetus" should not be questions for prosecutors and criminal trials. QED.

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