Sunday, February 05, 2023

Thus Ends The Sunday Balloon 🎈 Melee

No further submissions are necessary. We have a winner. Or rather, the final loser.
"You need a president when you're in a war," he said. "We don't have a president. And we have people around him that are either weaklings, dummies, crooks, or communists. So, it is completely outrageous for a Chinese balloon to be on one inch of American territory." 
"And if by now, we can't shoot down a Chinese balloon without danger to ourselves, shame on us!" he bellowed. "What are we doing with all that money? We can't shoot it down without danger to ourselves." 
Giuliani recalled the September 11 attack when he said terrorists "evaporate[d] the World Trade Center." 
"They can make it go away, make it melt," he complained. "And we can't shoot a balloon down and make it melt? Don't give me this stuff! This is where you need a president."
The WTC “evaporated”? It “melted”?

The fool speaks for himself.

1 comment:

  1. What was it, four Chinese balloons that are known to have passed over the US during the Trump regime? This is balloon-boy level cabloid-twitter BS.
