Friday, February 03, 2023

Well, And Twitter, Too

The balloon is about 12 miles up. I have visions of idiots firing guns into the air, unconcerned with where the bullets come down. Unlike the DOD, which really is a great deal more responsible.
But ultimately, officials determined that the potential damage of falling debris outweighed the risk of the balloon itself, which they said does not have the ability to bring in more intelligence than spy satellites in low Earth orbit, which China already uses. 
"Why not shoot it down? We have to do the risk-reward here," a senior defense official said on Thursday. "So the first question is, does it pose a threat, a physical kinetic threat, to individuals in the United States in the US homeland? Our assessment is it does not. Does it pose a threat to civilian aviation? Our assessment is it does not. Does it pose a significantly enhanced threat on the intelligence side? Our best assessment right now is that it does not. So given that profile, we assess the risk of downing it, even if the probability is low in a sparsely populated area of the debris falling and hurting someone or damaging property, that it wasn't worth it." 
A US official added on Friday to CNN: "This isn't like 'Top Gun' where it just explodes and doesn't go anywhere. It's large and it's metal, it would put hundreds of Americans at risk."
I would point out similar Chinese balloons have been seen over Hawaii, but all red-blooded GOPers know Obama proved Hawaii is not really American.

And satellites? Well, you can’t see those so, outta sight outta mind, right?

Why is the GOP so frantic about this?

I’m sure we’re supposed to take the GOP response Very Seriously, or the bad guys win. Could be; but mocking still seems like more fun. 🤩 

Why is the GOP talking so loudly about this?
  Yeah, I don’t know, either. 🤷🏻‍♂️  Isn’t that a European problem?

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