Saturday, April 29, 2023

I Don’t Do “Must Read”….

...except when I do. Like this time.

1 comment:

  1. Turns out Roberts himself has some questionable behavior. His wife became a legal recruiter when he was placed in the court, earning over $10M in 7 years peddling legal talent to the same big firms that could have cases in front of the court. Amazing how suddenly successful she was at a new job, I'm sure it nothing to do with her husband.

    I was deeply disappointed in the tree liberal justices signing the letter about ethics on the court, none of the court seems to understand the depth of the rot. They have all been surrounded too long by people that have too much interest in getting something from them (clerks, attorneys that appear before the court, legal organizations with their own self interests, people looking for favors), there is no one to tell them no. I saw similar things happen with tenured faculty, there are a lot of parallels.
