Thursday, May 18, 2023

Houston, I Think We Have A Credibility Problem

Circling back around because this is as funny as shit!

"You ... claim that your top secret security clearance was improperly revoked," said Wasserman Schultz. "Yet an independent investigation concluded that you demonstrated a number of security concerns, which included that you refused to execute a court-ordered arrest warrant, and when you downloaded documents from intelligence systems to an unauthorized removable flash drive."

Wasserman Schultz continued, "the cherry on top could be your unauthorized recording of executive management, which, as I'm sure you know, violates Florida law, along with your unsanctioned interviews with Sputnik News, established by the Russian government in 2014 and fully owned by the Kremlin and Putin's cronies."


In addition to all of these allegations, Friend also is accused of promoting conspiracy theories about the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Jordan's other witness, Agent Marcus Allen, also had his security clearance rejected for, among other reasons, refusing to relay information to other agents about January 6 suspects.

And it just gets worse:
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." "A fair and unbiased witness, your Honor!" "Fuck your feelings, snowflakes!" No; fuck MAGA. With a really big stick.

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