Friday, July 19, 2024

All The Gossip That Suits

As Biden said: “Don’t believe everything you see in the press.” 

Honestly, they just get more clueless:
And that wouldn’t be a “coronation”? It sure wouldn’t be an open convention. Dems in D.C.: “So let’s make it worse!”

I’ll retire to Bedlam.

(This is part of the conversation Berlatsky is having:
You can blindly trust polls! Polls are sciencey!”)

1 comment:

  1. I think one of the problems here is the misidentification of "data" with reliable information. The quality of data in opinion polling is anything but reliable information because of the number of ways everyone from those collecting the data and those who give it make it unreliable to those who are analyzing it. The faith that even supposedly sophisticated people have in anything that gets called "data" is just one of the latest proofs that secularism in an age of scientism generates even less sophisticated concepts about the validity of anything posing as science.
    I have no idea what's going to happen in November or January and I don't think anyone relying on polls has any better idea. If they were playing up the danger that we can be certain Trump is to Women, Black People, Latinos, every other group except rich, white neo-fascist males, Democrats would have the election sewn up. If I were Biden and Harris, I'd be flooding the media with that message, Democrats should spend a month doing that and see what happens to donations and poll numbers. As it is the "dump Biden" idiots are the ones recapitulating a sure loser because they can be sure that the mass media will play the same role in getting Trump back in office as the media did in 1968.
