Sunday, July 21, 2024

Houston, I Think We’ve Found The Problem

NBC News:
The call with donors started with presentations from field organizers who expressed anger at the ongoing debate within the Democratic party about backing President Biden, given what they’ve seen and heard from voters on the ground, according to one source with direct knowledge of the discussion. 
One source said before Harris joined there seemed to be an effort to stall, which they said is normal for events with high ranking officials. But what angered many donors, this source said, was that during the wait — which was about 20 minutes — donors were “admonished.” Participants of the call were told they needed to “lock in and get behind” Biden and to not pursue efforts to push out the president. 
“Please help us turn down the volume on this conversation publicly,” Melissa Morales, founder and president of Somos Votantes, said on the call, according to a transcript obtained by NBC News. “It’s time to stop the leaks and the rampant rumors. Your message has been heard and received. But every day that we continue this publicly chaotic conversation, we come closer to a loss — no matter who the nominee is.” 
That didn’t sit well with some on the call. 
“These are donors who are not used to getting admonished and told what to do,” the source said. 
Another source who was on the call and is supportive of Harris being the Democratic nominee pushed back on the donor’s feelings of frustrations. 
The person said while many donors thought they were going to get insightful and confidential information, they immediately went to the media and proved why they shouldn’t get it.
Harris gave them nothing to support efforts to put her atop the ticket:
“We know which candidate in this election puts the American people first: Our President, Joe Biden,” she said according to the campaign officials. “With every decision he makes in the Oval Office, he thinks about how it will impact working Americans. And I witness it every day.” 
Harris also spoke positively about Democrats’ chances of beating former President Donald Trump. “Something I believe in my heart of hearts,” Harris said according to campaign officials. “It is something I feel strongly you should all hear and should take with you when you leave. And tell your friends too. We are going to win this election. We are going to win.”
It’s easy to understand why Biden doesn’t much care what donors think. It’s also safe to say he knows more about campaigning than some donors do. Biden puts America first. Donors want to be put first. Which sentence makes a better campaign slogan?

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