Friday, July 26, 2024

Wrestling With The Story

"The opiate of the masses.” No, not religion. Whatever this guy is peddling. But he doesn’t seem to be selling anything to the masses. He seems to still be trying to sell some kind of opiate to himself. Anybody so much as seen pictures of this damage? Is he still running against Biden? Okay.... Not sure why the time is important. Trying and trying to wrestle control of the narrative back. Now the shooting is connected to the search warrant is connected to how badly the country is treating him. It always comes back to him. Why’s everybody always pickin’ on him? Calmer. More serene. Interested in unity. How do either of them vote for you? Irony is back on suicide watch. It always comes back to him. He’s always the ultimate victim. Projection is a harsh mistress. And Ms. Harris’s husband is Jewish. Leegill skollar. Gotta come back to that. That narrative is his last, best hope. And “he didn’t”? He wants to still be running against Biden. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. And projection is still a cruel mistress. The golden oldies: To stop the whales? Self-awareness is not his strong suit. Because Trump will fix everything, so you won’t need to? He’s said this before. There’s no way to interpret it that isn’t delusional; and dangerous.

Trump is going back to the scene of the crime (although probably an indoor venue, this time). Maggie Haberman says:
“That was a moment that came at the end of a month where his popularity had increased and it started increasing after his debate with President Biden," Haberman said. “I think some of that is level setting for him.”
I think it more likely he’s trying to regain the power of that narrative for himself because he’s got nothing else right now. He’s abandoned sharks and batteries and Hannibal Lecter. He didn’t even mention immigrants.

He still hasn’t let go of Biden, whose departure from the race has ruined Trump’s strategy. The best he can do against Harris is call her a “bum” because none of his schoolyard nicknames are working (his whole schtick is as shopworn as a Borscht Belt comedian’s). He’s old, she’s new: it begins and ends there. He doesn’t have any new material; and he can’t come up with any. Against Biden he could say anything, confident (falsely or not) that he was winning. Now, he’s scared shitless and he’s got nothing.

Calling Harris a bum tells me he’s not worried about Vance insulting women. Insults are Trump’s lingua franca. The argument that he’s upset with Vance is the same argument that Melania was upset with Trump: people imagining Trump or Melania think the way they do.

So he needs new material, but he doesn’t have any. He needs to be in control, but he’s not in control. He’s going back to Butler trying to recover that control. But all he’s got is: she’s a bum; he won’t pronounce her name; and she hates Jews.

And, that he took a bullet for democracy.

Kamala has enthusiasm and political skills and, as the Olympics are waning (which will push Trump off the front pages), the Democratic Convention will put the enthusiasm for her in prime time for the week.

Trump’s gonna need more than a bullet and “she’s a bum.” Whatever he needs, he doesn’t have it now. And he’s losing momentum rapidly.

1 comment:

  1. I think some close to but not in the Harris campaign should start repeating over and over again that Donald Trump's act is boring and America needs to stop hearing from him as soon as possible because even his own fans are getting tired of it.
