Friday, July 26, 2024

Now Ear πŸ‘‚ This

Is it...?

A) Sympathetic magic, i.e., saying it makes it so?, or

B) The rubes need their copium fix?
Now another Trump toady, Senator Lindsey Graham, has taken it one step further by demanding in a letter to Wray that he retract his testimony and state publicly that a bullet nicked Trump's ear. Trump promptly posted the letter to his Truth Social account.
What is Lindsey Graham going to do when he doesn’t have Donald Trump to lamprey to? They’re really serious about this. For all those who think Twitter influences elections, and influences real life. And since his ear seems to have miraculously healed, he needs to regain some interest in it. Or in his bravery. Everyone knows it won’t be a memorial service for the man who died. Curious thing: it’s not here. Maybe it’ll show up later. Be interesting to know if this is confirmed without new information. Not that that will stop them: It’s like they live in this little pocket universe where everything has to revolve around them or the sun’s gone out. ⛅️  The absence of Biden/rise of Harris has made the shooting last month’s news, but the GOP wants desperately to hang on to it. It comes down to this.

It’s Ronny Jackson, so it’s not worth much, if anything. But this is the hill they want to die on, without releasing any information, but insisting you take their word for it.

The FBI is not involved in politics here (although it was 8 years ago when Comey reported on the investigation into Hillary). Wray reported what the FBI knew,, what it didn’t know was what the hospital records said. Jackson is an unreliable witness reporting what Trump wants reported, which may, or may not, be what the hospital recorded.

And Jackson is reporting his political opinion. While apparently speaking for the Trump campaign and the would-be Trump Administration. Which makes his statement even more interesting. They’re acting like this really matters; and it does.

It’s the only story, at this point, that they can control.

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