Saturday, July 20, 2024

All The Moose That’s Fit To Print

 Carl Bernstein assures Anderson Cooper that Biden is dropping out by Monday, because he heard from the same anonymous sources everyone else has heard from.

And because money talks. And it says: "Fuck you! I’m in charge!”
"The money has dried up," he said. "I was told about an extraordinary Zoom meeting last Wednesday involving the top donors and fundraisers for Biden, who said, 'Not another penny' was the phrase that was used several times. 'Not another penny!' Not only to the Biden campaign, but also to the House and Senate Democrats, because the message that these donors and bundlers wanted to convey to Chuck Schumer, especially, to Hakeem Jeffries, was we must have this election go forth without Joe Biden being our candidate." 
Those donors demanded Democratic leaders do more to force Biden to step aside. 
"So we have a kind of a retribution almost felt in the air. And it's not a pretty scene," said Bernstein. 
Also of note: the big donors don't want Democrats to anoint Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee — they prefer an open primary. 
"She would have to compete to be the presidential nominee, along with everybody else," he said.
But I’m left wondering: with donors like these, who needs enemies?

Which is why I question this reporting. 538 just came out with a new poll analysis showing Biden with enough electoral votes to win, and ahead of Trump by 20 points. But reports are donors won’t donate (which ones?) without polls showing Biden can win. In July, though history is rife with candidates winning polls in July and losing in November. Have none of these “donors” ever heard of an October surprise?

What sense is there in these destructive demands? Now they won’t even countenance Harris? And we’re back to the problem of ballot access and losing $230 million in cash on hand. This isn’t reality; it’s the GOP’s dream scenario.

If these mythical donors are real and serious, have they never given to a campaign before? They aren’t demanding the Democrats do as they demand. They are demanding the Democrats self-destruct.

Is Bernstein confusing “Democratic donors” with Peter Thiel?

I ordinarily have some respect for Bernstein’s reporting, but this sounds like something he heard from somebody who heard it from somebody’s cousin’s friend’s Canadian girlfriend. It’s not original to him, but that just makes it worse. It’s so ludicrous it doesn’t pass the smell test. It sounds like something invented by Russia bots or in the fever dreams of Roger Stone. Donors threatening to shut down the entire party and demanding they commit political suicide? Even AOC and Bernie’s campaign didn’t piss anybody off this much.

What, is there a donors union? Donors ‘R’ Us Amalgamated?

I’m calling bullshit. Honestly; these stories just get dumber and dumber.

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