Thursday, July 18, 2024

Pull The Other One, It’s Got Bells On It

Or Biden steps down, the replacement loses, and Biden and the replacement are pariahs: the replacement for playing the role of Hillary Clinton (“Thanks for playing, your political career is over”), and Biden for not dropping out soon enough (like, maybe, in March?).

If Biden drops out and the replacement loses, Biden’s legacy is LBJ’s, for at least a generation; maybe two. He can’t control his legacy anyway; but he can sure shoot it in the foot if he quits now. (And isn’t Biden’s complaint that nobody says enough about what he’s accomplished in office? Is that supposed to get better if he quits?

Spare me from such idiots.)
You mean like McGovern in ‘72? (Seriously, where was this “pent-up energy” in the primaries? Biden is not my ideal candidate, but it’s ride-or-die time.)

1 comment:

  1. McGovern admitted that his run for the presidency was a huge mistake, one that was made possible by the "reform" of the presidential nomination system after 1968. If they think Biden is a crap shot, reliving 1968 is an even bigger one. If Kamala Harris had about 20% of Jasmine Crockett in her persona I'd be all in on it but I can't see her beating Trump, considering how it will whip up the white supremacist, Republican-fascist base and the news media that services them, in short, virtually the entire corporate media. And if it isn't Kamala Harris it seriously risks offending the two most important parts of the Democratic coalition. I think she'd be a good president just as I think Biden has been the best we've had since LBJ and without LBJ's advantage of having both a Democratic Congress and a non-partisan, ethical Supreme Court. But getting her elected would be an enormous problem.
