Wednesday, June 05, 2024


Of course [Bragg] should be — and will be — jailed," Bannon said. 
Bragg, who won Trump's conviction last week on all 34 felony counts against him, could be targeted under the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause or the Fourth Amendment, which forbids unreasonable searches and seizures, Bannon said, adding the Department of Justice could also target him for "scores of other" alleged violations of the law. 
“The evolution of any war... They only get nastier over time," Bannon said. 
Bannon told the New York Times that Republican prosecutors should make a name for themselves by prosecuting Trump's enemies ahead of his potential return to the White House. 
“There are dozens of ambitious backbencher state attorneys general and district attorneys who need to ‘seize the day’ and own this moment in history,” Bannon said.
So, let’s start at the bottom, with the “ambitious backbencher state attorneys general.” Yeah.  ETTD, including legal careers. That message is going to get through, sooner or later.

Now: violations of the 4th Amendment usually just result in exclusion of evidence at a criminal trial. The 4th Amendment is not a criminal statute, so it can’t be enforced with criminal penalties. I guess Bannon is aiming at Smith in Florida with that one; but there was a duly authorized search warrant, and evidence of a crime found. So that’s a non-starter. (I honestly can’t imagine what he thinks it would have to do with New York or Georgia, but again: not a criminal statute, no criminal penalty possible for violation.). Then again, Bannon probably only knows the words “4th Amendment” and “14th Amendment, and he thinks that makes him clever.

The 14th Amendment, equally is not a criminal statute. Bannon is just blowing fat smoke, apparently after binging on bad TeeVee cop shows.

And law enforcement is not war, not even if it’s a “war on drugs.” And Bannon, despite his wildest fantasies, is not a military general.

But keep talking; I’m pretty sure you’re going to influence more people to the polls in November, to vote for Biden if only to keep the psycho out of office.

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