Monday, June 10, 2024

The Majority Of The Country Would Be Happy To Make Arrangements For You To Move To A Place Where You Are More Comfortable...

 "I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that needs to happen for the polarization to end,” Windsor told him. “I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.”

“I think you’re probably right,” Alito said. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”

One cannot compromise with evil?  That's a fine stance for a zealot, religious or otherwise.  It's not a good position for a judge, or just anyone living in a pluralistic, democratic society.

In another instance, Windsor got Alito to seemingly agree about the need for the United States to return to its purported roots as a Christian nation.

"People in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that — to return our country to a place of godliness," she said.

“I agree with you. I agree with you,” he replied.

I'm quite sure the "God" you want to find the standard of "godliness" is the god of your own reflection. Which, based on the previous quote, is not the God of the Gospels, or the Hebrew prophets or the Law of Moses, at all. 

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