Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Born Every Minute

the form resignation letter included here has a definite "I now realize I have failed Chairman Mao" vibe to it.
If you resign, they haven’t fired you. But neither are they obligated to pay you any severance at all. 

Sen. Kaine:
Trump sows chaos in federal workforce then says “resign within a week and I’ll give you 7 months severance.” Don’t fall for it!  Trump told innumerable contractors he’d pay—then stiffed them. He has no authority to promise severance pay. Wait him out! 
Government by scam. If they don’t quit, Trump can’t fire them. Just as he knew he couldn’t use the military on the border; so he used military planes at several times the cost of chartered flights (those military transports gobble up a lot of fuel), just to look tough and say he did use the military.

But what does he lose by trying? It’s not like the con costs him anything.

(Of course, the employees would be waiving their benefits, too. That’s not something done lightly. So some may take the offer, but it won’t be many. Still, Trump will proclaim he removed thousands from the government payroll, even if nobody takes the offer. Go ahead, prove him wrong. Government by scam.)

And why is Trump doing this?
I want to see that argument brought up in court.

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