Monday, October 23, 2023

Grasping At Everything

As if to prove my point, Trump gave a speech today to prove he still pays attention to Rudy:
Trump: FDR was a great speaker. He sat. He sat because of the uhhh situat— but he was elegant, beautiful, eloquent, elegant and eloquent..
Yeah, Trump doesn’t know anything about FDR (like the fact he was paralyzed from polio), but he’s heard the initials. I don’t think he even realizes FDR was a Democrat.

Rudy’s excuse is, he’s an alcoholic. Trump’s excuse?
Trump: I was very honored, there’s a man, Viktor OrbΓ‘n. He’s the leader of Turkey
His brain is broken.
Trump: I'm for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before? I'm reading and said us. You know, when you think about it, us, equals U.S. If we think of something genius, they will never say it.
It’s like watching a child discover his toes, and thinking no one has ever done that before.
Trump says he will prevent immigrants who “don’t like our religion” from entering the United States.
"Our”? You got a mouse in your pocket? Do you even have a religion? Besides worshipping Mammon, I mean.
Trump: We will make the Capital magnificent
You planning to build a new one after your supporters tear down the old one? Something with lots of gilt this time?
Trump on Classified Documents: I did nothing wrong. My boxes were secure
Please use that at trial. Even Loose Cannon won’t instruct the jury on that defense.
Trump: Look what happened this weekend with two good people, they hound them and scare them. But we don't get scared. We don't get scared. I don't mind being Nelson Mandela.
Another name he’s heard but can’t attach any significance to.
I have a highly partisan judge...He defrauded me. They defrauded me because I have a house that is very valuable and they try to make it like I'm increasing values.”
I look forward to him saying this again as the receivers put MAL up for auction to pay the judgement the state of New York secures.
Reporter: You said Sidney Powell wasn’t your attorney. Are you concerned that won’t be covered by attorney-client privilege? 
Trump: No. We did nothing wrong. This is all Biden… I was never indicted. You practically never heard the word.
Yeah, he’s coping well.  One wonders why the man is allowed anything sharper than a rubber ball. A large one; too large to swallow.

And in New Hampshire, where this speech was given:
Chants of lock him up and someone on a megaphone saying “Donald Trump is going to jail” as Trump departs

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