Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Let The Hand-Wringing Begin

We’re done for! We’re done for!!
Interesting," said anchor Ari Melber. "Let me ask you this. When you see Matt Gaetz, who seems to happy with this outcome, does that suggest that MAGA, which faces some vulnerability on being perceived as being too extreme, has moved the speakership and thus the majority to the right?"
Wait, what? Now McCarthy was a centrist? Oh, sorry, I interrupted.
"Absolutely," confirmed Komanduri. "I wish I could say Matt Gaetz lost, MAGA lost, but no, they won and America has lost. He has put in a speaker that will do Donald Trump's bidding. Get ready. We'll have a government shutdown. We're going to shut down aid to Ukraine to help Trump's major benefactor, Vladimir Putin. That's what's going to occur." 
"And do not be fooled by the Halloween costume you saw on display today," added Komanduri. "Matt Gaetz as reasonable, bipartisan, centrist, anti-corruption guy. That's not who he is. That is not who Mike Johnson is. Mike Johnson is every bit the flamethrower that Jim Jordan is, he just wears a pair of glasses and dons a Clark Kent disguise."

Or, maybe not:

The election of Mike Johnson was not a victory for MAGA. It’s a setback people. 
They couldn’t elect a Speaker for three weeks, demonstrating how feckless, weak and inept they are. 
If you felt they were in disarray yesterday but now feel down because they elected a right-wing nut-job - Take some self inventory. 
Trumps a defeated man on the ropes. Mike Johnson is the face of Congressional Republicans. Republicans are losing local elections as fast as they’re coming up. 
No attack ads can define Republican extremism more than the MAGA poster child they just chose to defend their 5 seat majority. 
Oh and George Santos is gonna be expelled.
Gonna be a fun learning curve for a speaker with no experience raising money plus no experience managing a big staff plus no experience negotiating legislation plus no experience leading the caucus, luckily he's got a long glide path with nothing going on to acclimate himself.
By my calculations, it would take 3 Republicans to raise the debt ceiling and fund Ukraine. If they shut down the government, it screws every Republican in the House, and I’ll warrant at least 3 of them don’t want that on their résumés next November.

Besides, what was the House accomplishing before this? It may be true McCarthy was booted because of the debt ceiling vote, but that wasn’t the vote on the debt ceiling. That was a vote the Democrats joined in.

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