Friday, June 05, 2020

Does He Think We Won't Notice?

And in answer to this question:

He knows the Governors control the National Guard in their states, right?  And that Kent State was 50 years ago.  We due for a do-over, or something?
Is anyone really surprised?

Oh, it's that bad!  And he's speaking from inside this:

On a day when the Mayor of D.C. asked for all federal troops to be removed from her city, and after a third night of protests in the city with no violence.  So what's he afraid of?  Or is he just getting more Nixonian by the day?

He has a secret plan to save the economy!  And it involves Tweets and the National Guard!
"Well, you won't have Dick Nixon to kick around anymore!"  At the time, Nixon sounded nuts.  Now Trump....?

And back to the question of security:
As the nation has figured out, "equal justice under the law" means pretty much what Trump thinks it means; and they're not gonna take that anymore.

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