Thursday, December 17, 2020

No Wonder No One Pays Attention

But what’s the important topic du jour among the political cognoscenti? And it’s incredibly pissy and self-righteous.

I’ll retire to Bedlam.


  1. Apparently the Nazional Review critic never loses a chance to tout his Yale bachelors degree, he seems to be mostly a pop-kulcha critic. One of the things he mocked was that she teachees at a Community College. It's funny because a certain pop music critic, when I said that the Democratic Party should have a policy that only a graduate of public schools should be the Secretary of Education mocked me by saying I wanted them to appoint a Community College graduate. To which I said if they were qualified and had life experience that would prepare them for it, I'd be entirely OK with that.

    Snobs, one of the biggest curses in our country.

  2. I've had some very fine students in my community college classrooms. I've known absolutely ineducable boobs who were graduates of respected universities.

    There's a reason we despise gross generalizations about people when it's based on race. But race as a pernicious category is not the only reason gross generalizations about people are bad.
