Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Be Careful What You Wish For

Consider that the same prosecutor made noises (but took no action? So far, as far as I know.) about prosecuting school officials.  School officials are not generally considered "minorities" or "marginalized," but how much power, socially or legally, do they wield?  If they do their jobs, no one notices them.  If something goes wrong at school, they are the first to be blamed, fairly or not. If we decide schools are a problem, they are the first to be blamed. We hire them as professionals to educate our children, and then never seek their advice. We just make them scapegoats.

Change the facts, change the outcome, but we went through a period when every private childcare center in the country was guilty of Satanic practices when no one was looking, until they were proven innocent.

Or rather until we all calmed down, and their politics.  hysteria slunk off to the fringes, to be reincarnated as Q-Anon.

These parents seem particularly guilty. But it will be easier to think the next pair are, too. Especially if they are poor, or we don’t like their politics. Or if they aren’t the right class of white (we’d never condemn non-whites out of hand! Heaven forbid!).

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