Thursday, December 02, 2021

I Believe In Yesterday

The most cogent comments on the oral arguments yesterday. Hand-wringing and anger are pretty useless at this point. The paucity of Mississippi’s argument is a serious problem for the court. And the issue of reining the court in is primarily what Sotomayor was on about.

Worth putting on the table. And while we’re talking about the court:
Dred Scott. Plessy. Killing the New Deal. Saving the New Deal. Gutting the VRA. I’m sure there are others. Memo to Justice Breyer: the Court lost its virginity a very long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. It lost it the first case that was decided by the almost exclusively slave-owning "justices" in favor of the enslavement that they, their families and their class benefited from. Among the earliest cases they ever decided. John Marshall being one of the most self-interested of that group of gangsters.
    Breyer is a fool.
